Above & Beyond Blog

Strategies for Overcoming Financial Stress

Written by Azura Credit Union | Sep 19, 2023 10:22:00 PM

In today’s fast-paced world, we face unique financial challenges as we juggle multiple responsibilities. The constant pressure to earn enough to cover day-to-day expenses while remembering to put away money for short- and long-term financial goals never lets up. To make it even more complicated, life only gets more expensive as time goes on. Keeping up with growing expenses is stressful and can make it challenging to practice financial responsibility. However, overcoming financial stress and living a financially fit life is very doable despite the inherent hurdles. 

Let’s take a look at key strategies for building financial resilience.

1. Manage Debt

Debt can be a significant source of financial stress. To effectively manage debt and gain control of your finances, it’s crucial to take a proactive approach:

  • Assess and prioritize. Start by listing all debts, including credit cards, loans, and outstanding bills. Prioritize debts based on interest rates and payment terms.
  • Create a repayment plan. Develop a realistic repayment plan that fits within your budget. Consider strategies like the debt avalanche method (paying off high-interest debt first) or the debt snowball method (paying off smaller debts first).
  • Maximize debt payment. Trim your discretionary expenses or freelance for extra pocket money and channel all extra money to your first debt until you’ve paid it off. Then, work through your list until you’re debt-free.

2. Build an Emergency Fund

Building an emergency fund is a crucial step in creating financial resilience. It serves as a safety net during unexpected events and reduces the reliance on credit or loans. Here’s how to build your emergency fund:

  • Start small. At first, set aside just a small portion of each paycheck, even if it’s just a few dollars. Consistency is key; you can gradually increase the amount over time as your budget allows. 
  • Automate your savings. Make saving automatic by setting up monthly transfers from your checking account to a dedicated savings account. This ensures regular contributions without the temptation to spend the money.
  • Aim for three to six months’ worth of expenses. While this can take time, make this amount your ultimate goal so you can weather any surprise with peace of mind and your finances intact.

3. Set Financial Goals

Setting clear financial goals will empower you to take control of your financial well-being and build your financial resilience. Follow these steps to successfully set financial goals: 

  • Identify your short-term and long-term goals. Determine what you want to achieve financially. Short-term goals include paying off a specific debt or taking a short vacation at the end of the year, while long-term goals involve saving for retirement or funding a sabbatical year in Europe. 
  • Make your goals specific and measurable. Set specific targets, such as paying off a certain debt within a specific timeframe or progressively saving toward a designated amount for a down payment on a home. This will help you track your progress and stay motivated.
  • Break goals into actionable steps. Break down larger goals into smaller, manageable tasks. Each accomplishment will provide a sense of achievement which will push you forward.

4. Practice Self-Care

Taking care of yourself is a crucial component in reducing financial stress. Make sure to find time to pursue your interests and to take frequent breaks from the daily grind. And it doesn’t have to put you into debt, either. You can walk alongside a beautiful lakefront, learn a second or third language, visit free galleries showcasing your favorite art, or develop a hobby by watching DIY videos online.


Managing money responsibly can be challenging, but financial resilience is within reach. Use the tips outlined here to achieve and maintain financial resilience.

Need help getting started? Azura Credit Union members have access to our team of Certified Credit Union Financial Counselors. They're available by appointment and their services are free of charge.

Our Financial Counselors are certified to assist you with:

  • Creating a budget
  • Understanding your credit report
  • Managing your cash
  • Setting financial goals and making a plan to achieve them
  • Creating a savings plan
  • Regaining control of your finances and getting out of debt

Ready to get started? Schedule your FREE appointment today!