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Azura Employee Foundation's 2020 Giving

By Azura Employee Foundation

The Azura Employee Foundation (AEF) is 100% employee led and funded. An eight person employee committee provides charitable giving to organizations focused on improving more lives in Northeast Kansas. Twice a year, the Foundation’s committee, acting on behalf of their fellow co-workers, meet to review and fulfill grant requests.

In 2020, AEF funded a total of $20,000 in grants to the following non-profit organizations: AEF Committee

  • American Cancer Society
  • Community in Schools of Mid-America
  • Doorstep
  • Family Service & Guidance Center
  • Great Plains SPCA
  • Harvesters
  • Johnson County Christmas Bureau
  • KVC Health Systems
  • Topeka Jump
  • Valeo
In addition to AEF’s yearly giving, the group also hosted a quilt drive for the organization
Quilts for Angels.
Quilt's for Angels



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