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All You Need to Know about TRM in Topeka, Kansas

By Azura Credit Union

TRM Ministries is an organization that Azura has been proud to partner with through our Community Impact Debit Card program, our associate volunteering efforts and various grants and donations throughout the years.

Topeka Rescue Mission has been in the Topeka community since 1953, providing much-needed resources to those who are food insecure, homeless, or experiencing poverty. 


TRM Logo


How was Topeka Rescue Mission formed?

The Topeka Rescue Mission (TRM) began its work in 1953 as a small room which provided shelter and food for homeless men. As the years went by the needs in the community grew, so in 1991 the Main Shelter was built. The Main Shelter was built to accommodate over 100 homeless men, women and families. Hope Center was built in 2000 to provide more space for women and families. Both of these shelters are still standing today and are providing food, shelter, and services to many men, women and children experiencing homelessness.

What types of programming and services does TRM provide?ShelterServices

Operation Food Secure was a program consisting of 177 churches, tribes, associations, nonprofits, and other civic groups that delivered food to neighborhoods and communities across ten Kansas counties. From May 2020 to August 2021, OFS served the equivalent of 3.42 million meals to 110,129 people.

How can community members help raise awareness?

One of the simplest ways to raise awareness about TRM’s services is to follow Topeka Rescue Mission on Facebook. Updates, needs, stories of hope and much more are shared on a daily basis. You can also subscribe to their weekly podcast to get the most recent news and updates from Topeka Rescue Mission.  Volunteers, donors and supporters are our ambassadors in the community and are able to share what TRM is doing!

Want more news and stories? Check out Topeka Rescue Mission's monthly newsletter here. 


What are ways community members can support TRM?

There are many ways to support TRM. TRM has many meaningful volunteer opportunities and volunteering is a great way to see first-hand what all TRM is doing for the homeless and struggling in the community.

Not able to volunteer? You can support Topeka Rescue Mission in the forms of physical goods, as well as monetary donations. You can find a list of the current needed supplies on their website, which include items such as non-perishable food, furniture, and toiletry items. You can also easily make monetary donations online. 


What is your biggest fundraising event?

TRM relies heavily on donations and the unique part about TRM is there are no annual fundraisers done by TRM itself. Throughout the year there are many fundraisers, collections and donation drives done for TRM by many different individuals, groups and businesses to show their support for TRM.

How can people sign up to learn more about getting involved?

Check out our Facebook for updates and information and share it out or come on down and volunteer with us!


Azura members can give back to TRM with every swipe of their Community Impact debit card - learn more now! 





Tags: Local

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