As a member/owner of Azura Credit Union, you may have seen information on Azura's Annual Meeting, but have you ever attended? Every year, Azura holds an Annual Meeting open to all of our membership and whether you've been or not, it's definitely an event worth attending.
As we mentioned above, Azura's Annual Meeting is a meeting for our membership. This is a huge part of what makes credit unions so different from banks. Our members will be given reports from the Board of Directors, Supervisory Committee and the President/CEO. Annual Meetings oftentimes have on-site Board of Director elections, though on-site elections will not occur this year. Members can see and meet the President/CEO and our Board Members.
When and where is Azura's Annual Meeting?
Our Annual Meeting will be held at 7 p.m. on April 24, 2018. The meeting will occur at Maner Conference Centre near 17th and Western. No RSVP is required!
What should I expect at Azura's Annual Meeting?
Each credit union does things a little differently for their Annual Meetings! At Azura's meeting this year, we are enhancing the experience for our members as a way to say "Thank You!"
New this year - members may arrive at 6:30 p.m. to visit various booths that will feature our Charities of Choice Partners, Azura Wealth Management and our Mortgage team! This is a great chance to learn how you can use an Azura Community Impact Debit Card to make a difference!
Once the official meeting begins at 7 pm, the audience will be introduced to Azura's Board of Directors and Supervisory Committee. Members will enjoy hearing from our Supervisory Committee, Board of Directors and Azura's President/CEO, Greg Winkler, on Azura's performance for 2017 and our future plans and initiatives. The end of the official meeting section will include recognition of volunteers and Employee Years of Service.
After the official meeting, our members will get to enjoy something new! Our Azura Associates have been working hard on creating a Game Show LIVE! Experience! Members will have a chance to be chosen at random to participate in one of THREE exciting Game Shows, full of prizes and fun. If you aren't chosen - no worries, there will still be plenty of chances for prizes! There will also be a Kid's Cash Grab, where three lucky kids will get a chance in Azura's Money Tank, earning funds for themselves and their classroom.
As a member/owner of Azura Credit Union, our Annual Meeting is something you can enjoy that goes Above and Beyond Banking. We sincerely hope you will consider attending this year's Annual Meeting to learn more about Azura and to allow us to say "Thank you!" for being a member.