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Supporting MAP during Mental Health Awareness Month

By Azura Credit Union


During Mental Health Awareness Month,  Azura's Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Committee brought Azurans together to collect personal hygiene items for Topeka's MAP (Mobile Access Partnership) program.

People living with mental health problems and disorders are more susceptible to becoming unsheltered and for a longer period of time. To help support individuals in our community, our team collected over 1,200 items to donate to MAP!

What is Topeka's Mobile Access Partnership?

Working together, Topeka Rescue Mission, Valeo, Stormont Vail, Grace Bed, KDHE, Topeka Police Department and several area churches bring mobile services to several locations in our community each week to help meet the needs of unsheltered individuals.

Services provided include mobile bathrooms, shower and laundry facilities, mobile health clinic, mental health assessments, mobile foot pantry and kitchen, mobile dental, mobile vet, assistance with obtaining City ID and more. 

Topeka is currently the only city in the nation offering this kind of outreach program! To learn even more or get involved, visit the Mobile Access Partnership Topeka Facebook page.


Azura Credit Union is committed to supporting workforce equity by fostering the development of a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee. DEI committee members are committed to offering a sense of community and belonging to all Azura employees, helping to introduce new and current employees to the organizational culture, and providing mentoring and networking opportunities.


Tags: Local, Team Azura